December 21, 2012

Moms’ Night Out

Posted in Fun Stuff, Life's Little Moments, My Take on Autism tagged , , , , , , at 11:04 am by autismmommytherapist

wash one

I love my family (as I’m sure all of you reading this love yours as well), but I have to admit I spend a decent amount of time plotting ways in which to indulge in a few hours of respite from all things “mothering”. Said respite was on my mind a few weeks ago as I spent seven glorious hours driving solo in my annual round-trip visit to my DC crew, a period of “quiet time” I will share with you that I enjoyed immensely.

Since I also enjoy the company of others, a nice chat, and (of course!) good food, while clocking the miles to Washington I racked my brain for a cheap, easy way to accomplish those goals on a more frequent basis than once a year. Then it came to me. I would create an entire evening solely around the magnificence that is Bonefish Grill’s Bang Bang shrimp.

If you order it, they will come.

I admit that while part of my desire to have a regular Moms’ Night Out gig comes from my perpetual desire to eat, a good portion of my intent came from an evening out in the DC suburbs with my teacher friends, all of whom are (and eternally remain) fabulous women and helpful advisors to me. As I sat that evening and listened to one former co-worker (and my “little sister” in the truest sense of the word) discussing how she’d creatively figured out how to help a child just that morning, it struck me how much I missed these conversations, talks which had been a huge part of my former professional life.

We didn’t have a water cooler back then, but we did have our classrooms, and within those walls many insightful educational decisions were made in regards to our students, and the programs we wanted to implement for them. I didn’t always agree with everything my team said, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that they always made me think.

Hence, the impending Bonefish Grill thinktank.

The truth is, I’m not sure how my family would have made it at times if it weren’t for the second sisterhood I’ve immersed myself in up here, namely my circle of friends who have and who work with our differently-abled kids. The connections, advice, and quite honestly, laughs I’ve had with these women have been an invaluable resource to me since we “sort of “moved back home seven years ago. Although I get to see these women at POAC events and PTA meetings, I think it would be great for us to get-together in a more informal place (again, a place which serves bang-bang shrimp, and lest I forget, wine).

So, my proposal is as follows. The first Wednesday of every month, starting  on 1/2/13, 6:30 at Bonefish Grill in Brick, will be a gathering of the very tired minds and bodies of moms with kids with special needs, and those who work with them. In the spirit of inclusion I’m of course extending the invitation to those with neurotypical kids as well, but I want this to be a forum where women can exchange ideas, business cards, and have a good laugh while feeling entirely comfortable discussing their kids (or not). It’s pay as you go, and I should warn you I will not be sending out email blasts as reminders (hell I’ll probably forget to post it on Facebook) as my post-Sandy brain still has not completely recovered. The best part is, you don’t have to do anything but attend. No RSVP required, just show up.

That’s one of my favorite parts.

I have a core group of women interested in “hosting” it with me, and between us I can pretty much guarantee at least one person will be in attendance each month, so if you’re going solo, you’ll find a new friend. I figure we’ll hang in the bar area, so just look for a bunch of extremely ecstatic childless women eating well.

I’m short and blond and will have a big bowl of crustaceans in front of me, so don’t be shy.

I know we’re all ridiculously busy, but if you can sneak out of your homes once in a while for a little fun I hope to see you, and if not, I truly wish you and yours the happiest of new years!


  1. that sounds heavenly 🙂 wish I lived nearby!

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