October 21, 2011

Gratitude Attitude

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , at 9:58 am by autismmommytherapist

This week’s Gratitude Attitude goes out to my Aunt Candee and Uncle Ken (yes, they’re getting a lot of “air time” these days), for a fabulous day on the farm. Zachary declared he would locate the “biggest pumpkin so the whole world could carve it” (which smacks of “Hands Across a Pumpkin” to me). Justin was so enthralled with the experience that upon our return, he insisted my husband remove both gourds from the trunk before he would even enter the house. Not only was there pumpkin picking and a hayride, but the day culminated in watching my youngest navigate a real tractor on his own, a flash-forward to his teen-age years. It appears we’ll be in a bit of trouble…

Thanks again to Candee and Ken, and to my mom and Kate for taking part in our wonderful day!